JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
Where Jags Fans Aren't Pussies
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
How much blame does Nathaniel Hackett get for Bortles’ mechanics regressing so much from last season to this season? How could he not see Blake Bortles‘ windup looking so pitiful and not doing anything about it? Very concerning for me.
John: A couple of thoughts here: One is that while a quarterback coach’s job does involve mechanics, identifying a mechanical problem doesn’t mean having a quarterback who is able to fix the problem. More pertinently, it also does not mean having time to fix the problem. Remember that under the current Collective Bargaining Agreement coaches are limited in how much time they have with players – and most of that time for quarterbacks is spent on execution, game-planning and practicing as opposed to working on mechanics. Tweaking and honing mechanics must take place before organized team activities begin, which is why Bortles worked with Tom House in California so extensively in the 2015 offseason. The most important thing to remember, though, is that Bortles’ mechanics have nothing to do with Hackett’s ability to game plan and call offensive plays. One has nothing to do the other – and how someone fares at one is no indication of how they will perform at the other.
Johnny-O, the difference between the Titans game and the other losses is that I felt nothing as I watched. Emotionless. I didn’t yell, cuss or throw my hands up in disbelief. I absolutely expected the loss – though not as bad as it was. I have mentally checked out for the season. It’s simply not fun anymore to watch or go to games. I am not alone.
John: I know.
O, thanks for all you do. My Cubs are in the World Series … the quarterback for my alma mater plays for the Bucs … and my remaining season tickets are on Stub Hub. I’ll check back in after Black Monday. The Jags will be lucky to win four games this year and I can’t take it anymore. I’ve reached the point of apathy … I never thought I’d get here.
John: I believe the Jaguars will win more than four games this season, though I can’t blame you for disagreeing. I also can’t blame you for apathy. That’s because it’s not up to you to avoid that feeling; it’s up to the team – and the team hasn’t played well enough to make you avoid it. There’s no rule that says the team can’t start playing better and make you feel better about the rest of the season. We’ll see if it does that.
Start Brandon Allen.
John: We’re not there yet.
So if Bradley can change his mind and make a coaching change, then so can Khan, right?
John: Yes, though I don’t believe he will.
I agree with our coaching style – staying positive – but do you agree that we need to open up a can of whip a## to get things back on track?
John: I’m not a big believer that whip a## is needed to be a good head coach, but considering the unsportsmanlike conduct penalties that continue to occur, something is needed. The Jaguars pulled Dante Fowler Jr. out for the remainder of the first half after a second-quarter penalty Thursday. He has had a lot of silly penalties this season. Perhaps that’s a start.
Do you think that putting Bortles in so soon in his first season has been a detriment to his development as a quarterback? Along with that I ask, did we do the same thing to Blaine Gabbert? Both have been put in behind substandard offensive lines and have taken a heavy toll on sacks. Do you think that possibly both had the potential to become much better than what they have?
John: No. In particular reference to Bortles, I never got the impression the past two seasons that he was suffering from any sort of heavy toll of being sacked too much. And he actually has struggled more this season playing behind a line this season that has pass blocked far better than it did in his previous two seasons.
What was it about Bortles that Caldwell liked that he didn’t like in Carr?
John: Potential, size, mobility, intangibles, upside – mostly upside.
Someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny … Nah, it’s total darkness on the edge of town.
John: Stay cool tonight, Eddie.
OK, so our defense gives up 354 yards in the first half and is playing worse than last year in spite of a huge talent upgrade, and we fire the offensive coordinator? Our quarterback regresses badly this year, and in your words is the single biggest issue with our team, and his position coach gets promoted? Smells like scapegoat to me.
John: I understand why you’re picking up that odor, and certainly any midseason coaching change has a tendency to take on that aroma. The Jaguars reached a point where something evidently needed to be tried. This is what they’re trying. It’s not the ideal option, but when you’re changing coordinators midseason it’s safe to say you’re past the point of ideal situations.
Is it possible for Bortles to improve his footwork and accuracy in the offseason or is it too late? I was also wondering if his throws are off because his arm may be tired or hurt.
John: Yes it’s possible to improve those things in the offseason. Bortles in fact improved those things in the 2015 offseason – though they seem to have regressed this season. It’s not my impression that his arm is tired or hurt, though that doesn’t mean it’s not.
O-Zone, can you let us readers know your thoughts on Brandon Allen? How does he look in practice, mechanics … accuracy, etc.? What are the differences between him and Blake?
John: My thoughts on Brandon Allen have been gleaned from organized team activities, training camp and preseason because we don’t see practice during the regular season. He has arm talent and throws a good-looking ball. He at times looked better in terms of spiral and velocity than Bortles; but spiral and velocity aren’t the NFL end-all. He appears to have a lot of positives, and I know the team very much likes his potential. That does not mean he yet knows fundamentals and NFL basics – or that he is ready in terms of grasp of the offense – well enough to start in the NFL.
I find it difficult to understand the piling on of Blake Bortles. Sure, he’s been inconsistent, and downright gun shy at points. However, he is the only bit of offense thus far. It’s him in the third and fourth quarter making things happen. With zero run game, and defenses having adapted to the Jags long ball threat, we are clearly a team with a very incomplete offense. I don’t understand how the majority of the offensive woes are placed on Blake’s shoulders. What say you, All Mighty O?
John: I agree that there has been some piling on of Blake Bortles – and without question I’ve been guilty of that here in the O-Zone. The Jaguars indeed have struggled in the run game and that is not all on Bortles. Still, the current NFL depends on the passing game executing at a certain competitive level. The Jaguars’ passing game, particularly in the last two weeks, hasn’t done that. Some of that has been receivers dropping passes, but the biggest factor has been Bortles’ inaccuracy and decision-making. It’s probably accurate to say those issues have gotten more play than any other issue facing the Jaguars, but the NFL is a quarterback-driven league. When that position is struggling it’s front-page stuff and nothing else makes the front page.
So how long do we have to wait until we get a winning team? Every year we hear “this team is getting better. Wins will come. We are close. We are close.” I’m sick of the “just wait your turn” shtick. When will it finally be our turn? I’m really sick of waiting.
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
JACKSONVILLE – And so we move on.
We enter the weekend with the Jaguars 2-5 and the inbox in an uproar. Considering the result Thursday in Tennessee, that’s understandable.
We’ll say here what we’ve said the past few days: what’s going on is not acceptable, and it’s not pretty. Can the Jaguars find a way out of it? That remains to be seen. Nine games remain in this season. Something needs to happen or those are going to be nine long weeks.
We’ll try not to make this an all-Gus-Bradley-all-Blake-Bortles weekend. Considering the circumstances, there may not be an alternative.
Let’s get to it …
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Wow. That was disturbing.
How else to describe what happened to the Jaguars in Tennessee Thursday night? The Jaguars lost to the Titans, 36-22, at Nissan Stadium and it didn’t seem that close.
Most of the questions in the in-box focus on Jaguars Head Coach Gus Bradley’s job security. Many fans want change. I understand that; it’s very understandable in the wake of a 2-5 start that isn’t remotely living up to expectations.
A one-sided loss on national television in the manner that the Jaguars lost on Thursday is the sort of loss that often leads to change. Will that change come? I do not know.
I do know what happened Thursday was bad, disturbing and ugly at times.
I’ll answer questions best I can. I doubt many answers will satisfy. Apologies in advance.
Let’s get to it …
This is unbelievably pathetic. Looks like the ’76 Bucs. I love Gus, but this is Keystone Cops stuff. I am in shock.
John: Frankly, I am a bit shocked, too. I didn’t expect greatness from this team. I expected a push for .500, perhaps – and I certainly didn’t expect anything like what we saw Thursday. There’s very little to say. Thursday was total defeat. It shouldn’t be this way.
Week 8. Season over. Goodnight.
John: That’s how it feels. It shouldn’t feel that way because this season shouldn’t be 2-5 with one-sided, national-television losses. But that’s how it does feel. Bad. Really bad.
Pathetic and embarrassing.
John: For long, long stretches Thursday – yeah, pretty much.
Are the wheels completely off yet?
John: If they weren’t off in the first half I don’t want to be around when they do come off.
The players have spoken: it’s obvious they want a new head coach. We (fans) deserve better, much better.
John: That’s an understandable sentiment. This was a team that needed to bring its best effort Thursday. That did not appear to be such an effort.
Just no offense…
John: No, there was no offense Thursday – at least not when it mattered. But on Thursday there honestly wasn’t enough of anything. There’s little question the offensive stagnation hurt, and ineffectiveness on that side of the ball drags everything down. But the Jaguars’ defense also allowed a 36-yard second-quarter touchdown pass to wide receiver Kendall Wright that was far too easy and the Titans had 354 yards offense at halftime. This was bad – inexcusably, franchise-shakingly bad – all around.
You can see it in his face. No confidence. Gun shy with throws. Where is Blake’s head at John? And don’t say above his shoulders.
John: This is not the time for cute answers, though I’m sure I could think of a few. There seems little question that Bortles is struggling with confidence right now – and with reason. He’s not playing well. The Jaguars’ offense showed few if any signs of life early Thursday, and you never had a real feeling – particularly in the first half – that that was going to change. I don’t know where Bortles’ head is at. I only know this Jaguars offense doesn’t seem to have answers and it’s tearing apart the season.
I have a feeling I’ll be going to bed early tonight …
John: This was the much-anticipated, over-analyzed, oft-ballyhooed first email of the game. No word on when Adam drifted into the land of nod.
O, this project has failed. We have been out-coached by two former head coaches in a row. Offense is non-existent. Defense is undisciplined. Time for a change.
John: Thursday’s performance was the sort that often prompts change. I don’t know if it will prompt change in this case. We’ll see.
This year’s team is one of the worst versions I’ve seen. 14-41.
John: That’s certainly true of the offense, with the frustrating thing for the team obviously being that the defense in many stretches has played OK. They didn’t play remotely OK during the second quarter Thursday. But whatever … we won’t nit-pick on this one. Yeah, it’s bad.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Let’s get to it …
Having Shad Khan talk to the players and coaches and ask them flat out “Why aren’t you winning?” surely must be the last straw for Khan before he fires Gus Bradley, right?
John: Not necessarily. Shad Khan meeting with the coaches and players as he reportedly did Monday certainly is not a great sign because it wouldn’t have happened had the team been 4-2 as opposed to 2-4. And while Khan has said often that he’s not pro-midseason coaching change there obviously for every owner is a tipping point when a change must be a made. I have no idea what will happen if the Jaguars lose to the Titans because I’m not Khan and deep down only he knows. But I don’t know that it’s correct to Khan speaking with the means he’s on the verge of a change. If he thought a change was the necessary move I imagine he would simply make a change rather than going through the process of speaking to the team and trying to find answers.
In your assessment of the coaching staff you seem to be focusing only on in-game decisions. In that regard, they cannot be blamed for the team’s lack of success. Sure, there have been some bad play calls, but that isn’t the crux of the problem. However, you seem to forget the coaches are responsible year-round to make sure players are prepared once the season starts. They can’t take all the blame, but I think the coaches are partially at fault for the poor run-blocking, the poor quarterback play and the stupid mistakes that are happening on seemingly every play.
John: There’s no question coaches are partially at fault. I don’t think I would ever say coaches weren’t partially responsible for on-field goings on; that’s their responsibility. But far too often in the NFL coaches are blamed and fired for the sake of blaming and firing – and are blamed and credited for things over which they in fact have comparatively little control. I’ve said often a head coach’s primary job is to create a structure and an environment in which players can be successful and in which winning can occur. That in essence is “steering the ship” and ensuring all players are essentially moving in the right direction. That is what Head Coach Gus Bradley has done well even while the talent level on the team precluded the Jaguars from winning more games. That’s what was concerning about the fourth quarter of Sunday’s loss to Oakland. There was some out-of-control stuff that reflected on the culture of the organization. It certainly didn’t appear all players were on the same page. That’s a bad sign. It doesn’t mean things are absolutely out of control; remember, Bradley’s teams don’t have a trend of such behavior … but the fourth quarter Sunday was bothersome. No doubt.
John, I really hate the word “poise.” We aren’t talking about bladder protection or little girls in a ballet. We are talking about grown (or semi-grown as the case may be) men playing football. Thanks.
John: OK.
So, would you like to see Marks and Jackson man the middle – or Jones and Jackson? Marks is a beast! He is good in the run game and passing situations.
John: I think you’re going to see a heavy rotation inside – heavy enough where it won’t matter who starts. I agree that Marks is a beast, but he’s a beast who has had injuries in recent seasons and you don’t want him playing 900-1,000 snaps a year. Rotation, rotation, rotation.
Is it not possible and even probable that the poor run game is a consequence of Gus’ determination to use a zone-blocking scheme? He has changed personnel and moved people around and still can’t run at a high-school level. It has become obvious this team is not capable of running a zone scheme. Why not change up and go in a different direction? It couldn’t possibly be any worse than what we’ve seen to this point. Isn’t four years of failure enough?
John: I’ve never been under the impression that the zone-blocking scheme is all Bradley, but yeah – at this point I wouldn’t mind seeing more power running.
I need to ask another quarterback-related question. I know Blake Bortles worked with Tom House before last season. What other quarterbacks have done the same with Mr. House? Additionally, how – if any – is Mr. House currently employed? If I were the general manager or higher, I would pursue Mr. House’s talents with extreme urgency. Just adding my two cents to the end there….
John: Multiple quarterbacks such as Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Andy Dalton have worked with House and Adam Dedeaux on throwing mechanics and other quarterback-related skills. They run their program from Southern California. I have no idea how much they make. My guess is it’s enough in both cases that they don’t need to seek full-time employment elsewhere.
John, been a fan since the beginning but I’m starting to sense a growing discord between the players and fans. To call out and/or slight our fan base for being upset at the poor product on the field is a tacky look. First Telvin Smith then Rashad Greene and now Allen Robinson. Sure, Shad signs the checks but I guess these players are starting to forget where the $$$ comes from..Sad. (If any of the above players are reading this, the money comes from the same fans that have been filling the stadium since 1995. We’re talking about the stadium where there hasn’t been a winning season since 2007!)
John: I’m including this email because it remains a major topic a few days removed from Robinson’s comments about the fans and Wembley Stadium. I’m not ignoring the questions, but I can’t answer them all. Fans are mad about it – and reasonably so. It wasn’t a good thing to say. You can’t touch the third rail. It never plays well.
Here’s my take on the season so far. We lost a close game to the Packers, the team’s collective heads then weren’t right against the Chargers. We lost a close game to the Ravens with some poor quarterback play. The team stumbles to two wins against poor teams then falls heavily to a good one. At this moment, it feels like the coaches are playing conservatively to prevent major blowouts, the offense is under too much pressure to perform and is forcing plays and the defense – certainly last Sunday – is getting frustrated with playing some winning football and not winning. Fair or no?
John: I don’t think the coaches are playing conservatively. I think they’re trying to do the things they feel will work based on the strengths and weaknesses of the players. I also think it’s a struggle right now for the offensive coaches to know what this team is doing well, but that’s quibbling. Yes … fair. Very fair.
Do you think it was the youth of Jalen Ramsey to say he would do the same thing 90 percent of the time – being ejected for fighting – or do you think that he really has no concerns about the team?
John: Neither. I don’t think he was saying he would get ejected for fighting 90 percent of the time. I think he was saying he would react the same way and that his actions normally wouldn’t get him ejected for fighting. In watching what occurred I had the impression Ramsey and Raiders wide receiver Johnny Holton were ejected largely because there were other incidents going on in the fourth quarter and that the officials ejected the players to maintain control of the game. Had Ramsey’s incident occurred in the first quarter of a game with no other altercations I don’t think it would have gotten him ejected. I believe that’s what he was saying. Perhaps he could have made that point clearer, but I was standing next to Ramsey when he spoke. I didn’t remotely get the idea that he was saying he has no concerns about the team.
Of the top 10 salaries on this team, eight are from free agency. We’ve reached a point where some of Dave Caldwell’s draft picks are going to be demanding big money. That means this very team that struggles to win games is going to cost Shad Khan a lot more money in the near future. Houston, we have a problem. What are your thoughts?
John: I think it won’t be difficult to discern who should be signed long-term and who shouldn’t be signed long-term.
Bortles isn’t passing the Eye Test and we always hear people saying to trust the eyes. I guess his mechanics can improve over time (footwork is atrocious) but decision-making … well … that might not. I’m afraid we’re witnessing the mighty fall of one BB5 and that just sucks.
John: I don’t think we’re there yet, but it’s a legitimate discussion … and yeah, if you’re a Jaguars fan, that does suck.
OK, John: You’re Greg Olson. You’re watching a line that can’t produce consistent runs, a quarterback that can’t make routine NFL throws and is off the mark more times than not and several drops by normally sure handed receivers. You look down at your play sheet – what do you call? My point is…I’m not sure it’s coaching!
John: Oh, Tom, Tom, Tom … in the NFL, it’s always coaching. You know that.
If we all agree the Jaguars suck, then why don’t we ever see anything different? Same post-game speeches, same culprits making mistakes. Other places the media gets after the team and ask real questions. Other places, they fire an offensive coordinator or a defensive coordinator to make a statement. We just stay status quo because everything is fine. This team is losing everyone and it doesn’t seem to care.
John: I was wrong in my previous answer. It’s not always coaching. Sometimes the media is to blame.
Not that you care. But it seems all of my friends who are diehard football fans have had enough. It’s not the Jaguars losing, coaching. It’s officiating: killed the integrity of the game. Honestly we’re done. Declining ratings are just the beginning. But hey … greed kills everything. Corruption.
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
John: This unsurprisingly is a hot-button topic this week – and you know what? It absolutely should be a hot-button topic. Robinson on Monday commented about fans booing during a one-sided loss to the Raiders Sunday at EverBank Field. His comments drew pretty much the same reaction from fans and readers as similar comments by Telvin Smith early in the season: anger and resentment. That reaction from fans is correct and understandable. Fans had every right to boo the performance Sunday, just as they had every right to boo earlier in the season – and just as they have every right to boo whenever they choose. I get that booing bothers players. I get that it hurts. I get that from their perspective they’re doing all they can to win and they’re working hard. This is an emotional, high-intensity game and many players understandably react emotionally to being booed. At the same time, when teams don’t meet expectations, being booed is part of the deal. It’s also the third rail of NFL fan-player relations. Players who touch that rail by criticizing fans do so at their own risk. It’s never going to play well. Never.
Please give me a good reason to let Blake keep starting. Put in Henne or Allen and look for our new quarterback in the offseason.
John: The reason you don’t bench Blake Bortles is doing so pretty much finishes him as a starting quarterback in Jacksonville. He has struggled this season, but he hasn’t struggled enough yet to change the direction of the franchise at that position.
During the preseason, I made mention that the Jags can’t stop the run if either Miller or Poz is not in the game. Well, this news about Miller is probably the worst news possible. The only thing we had going for us was a defense that kept us in every game. My question, now that we can’t stop the run the rest of the year, what can be done to save our season?
John: You say the news about Roy Miller III being out for the season is about the worst news possible. You are correct. Miller’s presence has been key to this team’s run defense the past several seasons, and there usually has been a pretty direct correlation to the presence of him and middle linebacker Paul Posluszny to stopping the run. Abry Jones and Sen’Derrick Marks are expected to play in Miller’s place. How they play and how the team responds to Miller’s absence could go a long way to determining how this defense plays the rest of the season.
I remember repeatedly saying “I’m not worried about the offense…” during the preseason. Is it rare for things to have regressed so badly in the offseason with very little personnel changes?
John: This is the most prevailing question around the Jaguars in recent weeks, but the reality is the Jaguars’ offense hasn’t regressed all that significantly. This was not a great offense last season. It was a good offense at times that produced very good statistics at times. But many of the same issues from last season – slow starts, running-game issues, turnovers, not scoring enough when the game was in doubt – are plaguing it again. The problem is the offense was expected to improve with a group of young players having played together two seasons. That hasn’t happened and the result is a lot of disappointment within the team and outside of it.
Jalen says he would “do it again” and “won’t be disrespected.” Stupid hothead. Doesn’t he realize that he can’t help us win games if he’s ejected and that he just made himself even more of a target for every receiver he’ll face the rest of the year to try and bait him into a fight? Make your statements with your play, not your mouth, rookie.
John: I look at the Jaguars right now and think there are a lot of things about which to worry. Jalen Ramsey’s not on that list.
Can you explain why Blake Bortles is so inaccurate and such a long release and trouble throwing fade routes after three years? Are there any other successful franchise quarterbacks playing in the NFL with those types of mechanical issues? Also why doesn’t Bortles throw any timing routes? Finally when I watched Bortles the whole game he seems to wind up to throw with a delayed motion like Byron Leftwich.
John: Can I explain why Bortles is so inaccurate? I honestly can’t, except that his footwork doesn’t seem fundamentally sound right now and his mechanics from the naked eye don’t seem sound, either. Sure, there are franchise quarterbacks in the NFL with mechanical issues; Philip Rivers’ motion is hardly textbook and he’s absolutely elite. As for why Bortles doesn’t throw timing routes, so far they don’t seem to be a strength. Look, we can pick apart all of these issues with Bortles – and I’m sure we will until he begins playing better – but he has shown in the past he can play far more effectively than this. He’s going through a very difficult time right now – the toughest time of his three NFL seasons. It’s up to him to pull out of it. The Jaguars believe he will. We’ll see.
O! Out of curiosity, after all the penalties against the defense how would an opposing team assess the Jags’ D? Would they say that it is indeed still a young team up and coming and learning how to play together? Or would they see this as an already good “D” and beginning to look nasty and getting a reputation of being physical and strong?
John: I’d say they would see it as a young, ascending defense that still lacks a dominant pass rush. That makes it a formidable defense – but a beatable one and one that has a tough time intimidating or forcing turnovers.
O-man, this week is a HUGE week for us. Well, every week is from here on out. But if we beat Tennessee and Indy and Houston lose to two very good teams we are a game out of first place in the AFC South, which is absurd to think about. Hope is still alive. Somehow, someway we still have a shot! Go Jags!!
John: You’re right, but the standings are a periphery issue right now. This team needs to beat the Tennessee Titans Thursday and they need to look like a composed, disciplined team with a functioning quarterback. If they do those things then hope is still alive.
The only bright side on the Jags; debacle is that our division sucks. We are still a game and a half away of the Texans and by beating Tennessee and the Texans in the upcoming weeks we can get back on top of our division. They just need to start playing some football. Moodachay!
John: #DTWD
John, I am confused about our passing game. If teams are double covering A-Rob then why are we not throwing deep to Lee to pull the safety away from A-Rob? Lee is our fastest receiver, yet I do not recall us throwing deep to him once this season. Look what Derek Carr did with Michael Crabtree at the end of the half. A-Rob will continue to be doubled until we force them to respect our deep shots.
John: Teams are playing more two-deep safeties against the Jaguars to take Robinson away, but the two-deep approach can discourage deep balls to other receivers, too. Still, your point is a good one. Bortles did throw deep to Lee once this season: in Week 3 against Baltimore. It nearly worked. It wouldn’t be a horrible idea to try that again.
If I pretend to be Jerrel from South Carolina will you answer my question? Is the AFC South the worst division in football? We had so much hype in the offseason now we have the most pathetic division.
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
JACKSONVILLE – Let’s get to it …
JACKSONVILLE – Game-day O-Zone.
Let’s get to it …